Scorpio/ Brischik

Scorpio Horoscope
Element- Water
Gender- Female
Ruler- Mars
Vedic Astrology- November 15- December 14th
Tropical- October 23rd- November 22nd
Scorpio is the eight sign of the zodiac, which starts from November 15- December 14th. You must be thinking I have written this information wrong, because Scorpio is from October 23rd- November 22nd, right? Well, if you want to know why, scientifically the true dates are November 15- December 14th, so please read “Welcome”- page carefully to know the difference between Vedic Astrology & Western Astrology.
Scorpios, being the 8th sign of the zodiac, not only represents the 8th house of depth, underground world and things that are hidden, but it also has the power of the Numerology life path 8. Scorpio is the darker side of Mars, but it doesn't mean it is the negative side, it simply means this is the mystical side of Mars. Scorpio is known as the most intense sign because there is a war going on within them 24/7. They are in a constant battle with themselves, wanting to know the secrets of this universe and how to achieve power with those secrets. This is why Scorpio people make the best psychics, astrologers, numerologist, mystics and conspiracy theorist, because they want to get to the bottom of things. Scorpio isn't necessarily a sign that makes one a detective, being a detective could be anything: search for truth, for life, for aliens, UFO, science, mystical world etc... Scorpio represents passion and obsession, this is why Calvin Klein named his perfume 'obsession', because he wanted to represent that energy of Scorpio. Best career for Scorpios are surgeon, mystics, astrologers, scientists, science fiction authors, dramatic and deep actors or any profession that has to do with finding the truth about life. In love, too, Scorpios make the most loyal partner due to their water nature.

Moon in Scorpio
While others may find security and comfort in material things, Moon in Scorpio people seek out emotional intensity. No matter what, there is something very intense about Lunar Scorpios. They are diggers when it comes to the world of emotion—they can see beyond facades and cut right to the core of a person. This ability to "see" what isn't obvious to the rest of the world can be intimidating to others or wildly attractive, depending on the audience.
Their deep-seated need for transformation and rebirth can manifest itself in the lives of Lunar Scorpios in different ways. Most have powerful, emotionally intense lives. Some feel like it is beyond their control—these natives seem to attract emotional upheaval, and their lives appear to consist of plenty of dramatic ups and downs. However, when accepted as an emotional need, rebirth and change doesn't need to be so dramatic and overwhelming. In some way or the other, Moon in Scorpio natives seek out intense experiences. If their lives are regular in any way, there can be an unconscious need to test their own strength and stir up emotional excitement. Self-awareness and acceptance is probably the best way to handle this deep need for emotional drama.
Doing things halfway or having meaningless relationships simply doesn't fulfill them. Lunar Scorpios want all or nothing.
Moon in Scorpio people often have a strong fear of betrayal. They seek out commitment, and feel the need for a partner to give up something for them. Some will put the people they love through a series of tests, and these are not always conscious. Their apparent suspicion can be trying for the people who love them. However, once committed, Moon in Scorpio people can be the most loyal and protective partners around.
Even the shy ones have enormous presence. Their lives are emotion-driven, yet many Moon in Scorpio natives spend a lot of time controlling and mastering their emotions. Their intuition is enormous, although it is sometimes self-serving.
Moon in Scorpio people radiate strength. Even in the absence of experience, they seem to "just know" things. It would be difficult to shock or scare away Lunar Scorpios in the face of emotional honesty and power. Some people instinctively want to lean on them, and other less brave folk run a little scared. Lunar Scorpios have exceptional "radar" that allows them to size up a situation—and a person—quickly and expertly. This ability to understand human motivation and nature can be too close for comfort for some, and enormously comforting for others.
Many Lunar Scorpios are intelligent and astute. Those that use their enormous powers for intimacy and honesty are the happiest, and they make the most interesting and rewarding friends and lovers.
The question is, how will Scorpio 2012,13 & so on Horoscope will be, well, I do not know. Why I don't know? because I do not know 'You', personally. I do not have your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth, and me giving a general prediction for Scorpio doesn't mean anything because more than half of those prediction will not come true, or those predictions will be too general to pinpoint its accuracy. You should read my blog here on Daily, Weekly and Yearly Horoscope. Another important aspect to look at in astrology & horoscope is that your 'Moon Sign' is far more important and more accurate than your Sun Sign, because Moon represents your mind and the way you feel, while Sun represents your soul, soul which can not be touched.

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