Astrology & Wealth

Astrology, Wealth and Prosperity

The natal horoscope is a portrait of a person's life. Health, Wealth, Career and Marriage are the major issues which are of concern to all of us. Today we are living in a materialistic society, therefore, Wealth gets prime importance to everybody. For getting all comforts, we need money in abundance.

There are various ways by which a person can acquire wealth. Some people are born with silver spoon in their mouth and they get all comforts by virtue of luck or Raj yogas in their horoscope. Some people work hard, some use their intelligence, some resort to black marketing, smuggling and all sorts of illegal means to get wealth.

The 2nd and 11th houses are mainly responsible for finance. Lagna, 9th and 5th houses also play important roles. Even 10th house, Jupiter and Moon are important for finance.
The person is a pauper ever since his birth and lives by alms if the lords of the 2nd and 11th houses are placed in 6, 8 or 12 along with malefics. The association or affliction of 6th, 8th or 12 house destroy the ambitious effects of wealth or dampen the financial prospects. The lord of 2nd with lord of 9th occupying the 11th with Moon and Jupiter will make a native a millionaire. Lord of Lagna in a decent position is itself a great asset which sustains a person throughout his life. The best place for Lagna Lord to occupy is the Lagna itself. Even strong Sun at a benefic place from the lord of Ascendent is a great asset.

The 2nd house itself, lord and Jupiter represent accumulated wealth. The association of the 1st, its lord and the sun with the second and its lord increases the natives wealth through his own efforts. If the 9th, its lord and the significators Sun and Jupiter are related to them, wealth is inherited. According to the Bhavarth Ratnakar, the native is rendered poor if the 2nd lord occupy the 12th and 12th lord is placed in the Lagna aspected by a Marak or a malefic planet.

11th house is the house of gains and rules income. The 11th and its lord along with Jupiter must be strong to generate wealth. According to the Sarvartha Chintamani, if a benefic occupy 11th house, the native gets wealth through honest and novel means. If the malefic is in the 11th house, the native resorts to unfair and unscrupulous methods of earning. The source of gains and incomes can be known through the nature of the planet from the Bhavas related to the 11th, its lord and its significators. For example 7th lord and its Karak Venus associated with 11th may help the native to gain through the spouse.
The 9th house represents fortunes and, therefore, if the 9th house, its lord, Sun and Jupiter are strong and associated with good houses, planets, luck favours the native with financial prosperity. When the 9th lord is placed in the 1st house of Lagna lord is in 9th house, the native is a self made person.

The 10th house is to be examined regarding native's professional and financial opportunities as it rules livelihood. If the 10th house and its lord and the significators (Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury) are strong, the native occupy a respectable occupation which helps in improving the financial status. There are a large number of Yogas which have been described in the various Astrological texts. Even the Panch maha Purush Yogas bestow special characteristic.

Some important combination for wealth :
1. Lord or 10th house occupying 5th house will prove a great asset for a native bestowing abundant wealth which will never leave him.
2. Laxmi Yogas : If lord of Lagna is powerful and lord of 9th house occupies own or exaltation position in Kendra or Trikona.
3. One who has strong Sun in Horoscope can never be mean, vicious, criminal or untrustworthy. Therefore, he can not adopt wrong means for livelihood.
4. If lord of 2nd and 11th be placed or related with 6th/8th/12th while Mars is in 11th and Rahu is in 2nd, native will loose his wealth on account of royal punishment.
5. If Lagna, the lord and Sun are weak or afflicted and also have the association with Rahu or a malefic, the very foundation of Horoscope is deeply shaken, The native suffers setbacks in his financial matters owing to wrong decisions.
Other important factors which are to be examined for wealth are ;
· Paya
· Rashmi Kiran
· Divisional Chart (Hora, Navamasa and Dasamamsa)
Good indications are obtained from the Hora Chart regarding the flow of wealth in a particular Dasha period. During operational period of planets placed in a Hora of Sun, person has to make efforts to earn and accumulate wealth. During the period of planets placed in the Hora of Moon earning and accumulation come naturally without must efforts.
In the Navamamsa Chart, Vargottam planets play very important role and according to the Astrological texts they cause Raj Yoga and bestow very good results.

In Dasamamsa Chart, Lagna assumes a tremendous significance. If Lagna is aspected by benefic it becomes strong and in that case it may be presumed that the career of the native stands on a good foundation.

If powerful Sun is posited in upachaya houses aspected by the Jupiter, native is likely to get recognition and eminence in his career. Planets in 10th house in Dasamamsa Chart during the ruling period better the prospects of once career. The period of planets in kendra in Dasamamsa will be a milestone in one's career.

Key Factors to Look For in the Natal Chart For Determining Money Potential:
  1. The condition of the 2nd house for one's personal assets: planets found within the house and their aspects; the ruler of the second house and its position by sign, house and aspect; and the sign on the cusp of the second house.
  2. The condition of the 8th house for one's personal assets accumulated through partnership and/or marriage: planets found within the house and their aspects; the ruler of the eighth house and its position by sign, house and aspect; and the sign on the cusp of the eighth house.
  3. The condition of the 11th house for one's personal assets accumulated through business and career: planets found within the house and their aspects; the ruler of the eleventh house and its position by sign, house and aspect; and the sign on the cusp of the eleventh house.
  4. The condition of Venus, the natural ruler of the second house, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion. Also, look for where the signs Taurus and Sagittarius are found in the chart.
  5. The chart ruler (ruler of the Ascendant) and its relationship to the rulers of the second and eighth houses. Also take note of any planets found in the second and eighth houses.
  6. The condition of Saturn and Mars in the chart, in order to determine the native's drive and ambition. On their own, these factors do not show money potential, but they are contributing factors to accumulating wealth.
The second house rules possessions and attitudes towards money. The eighth house rules money accumulated through partnership or marriage. The eleventh house rules money accumulated through business and career.

You might notice a pattern here. In fact, one can use derivative houses in order to determine the potential for personal assets from different areas of life. For example, the fifth house rules creativity, and the second house from the fifth house (if we were to consider the fifth house as we would the first house) is the sixth house. Conceivably, we could look to the 6th house to determine the potential for money earned from creative endeavors or creative hobbies. The fifth house also rules our offspring, so we could also look to the 6th house to find the potential for money earned through children (although that sounds a little off to me!).

Of course, these houses have more meanings, esoteric ones as well. We are simplifying here in order to study one particular aspect of life. See Important Notes below.
Many astrologers look to the second house ruler in order to get a good feel for the native's wealth potential. For example, if the sign on the cusp of the second house is Aries, the ruler of Aries is Mars. Therefore, Mars rules the second house in this example. Where is Mars found in the chart, and what aspects does it make? Mars might be found in Taurus in the second house, conjunct the Moon, trine Uranus and Pluto, square Jupiter, and opposite Neptune. This is a rather complex picture, but we can get some sense of the money potential of this individual. This particular native has quite a few planets in the second house. In addition to Mars and the Moon mentioned above, he has the Sun and Mercury there as well, and Venus is in the first house but conjunct the second house cusp. With so much activity in the second house, one would expect the native to be quite focused on building up his personal assets. We can expect this person to do rather well for himself as a result, but the square of the second house ruler to Jupiter, and more notably the opposition to Neptune, suggests that he may easily spend a lot of the money he does make. As focused as he is on making money, he may have a tendency to over-indulge (square to Jupiter) and perhaps money may slip through his fingers a little too easily for him to accumulate much wealth (opposition to Neptune). In reality, the native in question is quite content with his position. He is a hard worker, and has a philosophy about living in the here and now. In his case, he is not concerned about accumulating wealth. He does not want—he makes a fair amount of money.

I have found hard aspects of money significators to Neptune to be rather problematic. Hard aspects to Jupiter can be troublesome as well. One client, for example, had her chart read by an astrologer at the age of 18. She was told that because the ruler of her second house was conjunct Jupiter, she would never want for money. The reality was such that she never truly wanted for money, but she had a hard time holding on to it. In her thirties, for example, she made a fair amount of money, only to have it squandered by her husband. Neptune squares the second house ruler that is conjunct Jupiter, and it is making that square from the eighth house—the house of shared assets and money from partnerships/marriage.

The position and condition of both Saturn and Mars gives us a sense of the drive and ambition of the native. These traits can be important factors when money and wealth are earned by the native's own efforts. I have found that any aspect, hard or soft, between Mars and Saturn, gives some drive to succeed, with the hard aspects certainly more urgent.

It is important to note that if the native has only "easy" aspects involving the significators of money, there may not be enough drive or follow-through to both make and keep wealth. I have a relative who is a self-made woman, someone who worked her way up from a low position to the top. She has a yod configuration involving Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. The sextile portion of the yod is Venus sextile Saturn, with Jupiter quincunx both Venus and Saturn. Mars trines Jupiter and squares Saturn. Essentially, Saturn forms difficult aspects to both Mars and Jupiter, and Mars and Jupiter are in trine. This type of mixed configuration (in which there are what are traditionally considered both "lucky" and "unlucky" aspects) is something to look for when you are trying to determine the potential for wealth or success that is of the self-made kind. Easy aspects alone do not seem to provide the "oomph" necessary to work hard and strive towards a lofty goal. One of the things that she believes to have been instrumental to her success is the fact that she does not shrink from challenges and does not fall apart when things around her seem to be falling apart. I suspect that her Sun and Mercury both trine Neptune play a role as well, because in addition to her ability to face up to challenges, her powerful intuition is part of the "formula" for her success. Especially as a woman from her generation and in her particular profession, she has had to rely on a certain level of faith (Neptune) and powerful faculties of intuition in order to succeed as she has.

Some interesting configurations for celebrities involving the ruler of the second house:
Oprah Winfrey's Venus (found in the second house on the cusp) conjuncts her Sun, sextiles her Moon, trines Jupiter, squares Saturn, quincunxes her Ascendant, and trines her Midheaven. Her Sun, Venus, and Mercury occupy her second house, and the second house ruler (Uranus) trines Mars and squares Neptune. Interestingly, her fifth, eighth, and tenth house rulers are the Sun and Venus, which are conjunct each other in the second house, and conjunct the second house cusp.

Hugh Hefner, a self-made man, has very little going on with his second house ruler, Venus! He does have a T-square involving Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Sun (second house ruler) is conjunct his second house cusp, conjunct Saturn and Pluto, and sextile Neptune.

Bill Gates has Jupiter conjunct Pluto in the second house, widely square Venus and Saturn (Venus and Saturn are conjunct), and sextile Neptune.
 (1), Carol Rushman mentions that people with positive Jupiter-Neptune aspects can become wealthy, possibly through faith and belief. She has also seen Jupiter trine Saturn and even Jupiter square Saturn in charts of the wealthy. This book is filled with practical insights, and is a must-read for those students of astrology who are looking for excellent tips and pointers for their predictive work in astrology. The book contains more signs of the potential for wealth, as well as tips for making predictions for virtually every other area of life.

The condition of Venus in a chart can reveal quite a bit about your ability to attract money. Whether you are able to hold on to it is another story altogether. If Venus is in favorable aspect to a ruler of a "money house" (the second or eighth house, and to a lesser degree the eleventh and fifth houses), or is found in such a house, this is a good sign that your ability to attract money is high. Venus in challenging aspect to Neptune can suggest difficulties holding onto money, especially when either Venus or Neptune rules a money house. Neptune in favorable aspect to Venus and/or Jupiter is a good sign with reference to attracting money into one's life.

In many charts of the wealthy or well-off, Saturn is associated with the second and/or eighth house. The aspect can be challenging (conjunct or square seem to be "better" aspects than the opposition), although it is generally found in addition to more favorable aspects involving such planets as Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune. Saturn adds ambition and realism, as well as sobriety to the picture. Saturn as a money significator gives motivation to hold onto money and to strive to make more money. If Saturn is associated with the money houses, the native is less likely to blow money once it's in his or her hands. There is also an attitude that hard work is necessary in order to both make and keep money. Take for example someone who has just won money through a lottery or slot machine—even if it's a small sum. While natives with Jupiter and/or Neptune challenging their money significators might put their earnings right back into the lottery/slot machine, natives with Saturn as a money significator will be more inclined to walk away while they're ahead (assuming they would waste their time gambling in the first place, which is actually unlikely!).

Beverly Flynn's new book, (2), offers much information about the wealth potential in the natal chart. She discusses the "wealth planets", how to improve a low wealth "quotient", and offers a fun test to see how you rate in terms of your wealth potential (you can also compare your wealth quotient with famous wealthy people, whose charts she has analyzed with reference to wealth). Flynn also offers an insightful "new look" at money in the second half of the book—she looks at money and wealth from a metaphysical perspective after offering more traditional astrological indicators of money potential in the first part of the book. This is a recommended read for any astrology student who wants to dig a little more deeply into the astrology of money.


(3), Timothy Edward Curley put forth an interesting theory that involves predicting money using the 2nd and 8th house rulers. Curley believes that we have money-friendly periods when Jupiter and/or Saturn are transiting trine, sextile, or conjunct the ruler of our 2nd house and/or our 8th house. He suggests saving during the money-friendly times in order to prepare for the more difficult times which he believes to be when Jupiter and/or Saturn are square or opposite the rulers of our 2nd or 8th houses.

, John Townley identifies a Jupiter cycle in which he believes that people are at their peak (in terms of productivity and opportunity) when Jupiter transits the first house. He suggests taking advantage of that time of "abundance and free resources" (4), as this is the peak of a cycle of opportunity that lasts approximately 12 years. For those interested in learning more about how to best take advantage of planetary cycles with regards to career moves and choices, John Townley's book is an insightful and practical read.

We have also found that when transiting Pluto trines or sextiles the ruler of our 2nd or 8th house, this can be a particularly favorable period for making money. Short-term transits that are generally considered favorable for increasing your wealth include Jupiter and Venus conjunctions, trines, and sextiles to money significators in your chart.

Important Notes:
Although we are looking at the potential for accumulating wealth in a matter-of-fact way, I rarely look at, for example, the second house in such a black-and-white manner. We can easily assert that the second house rules money, possessions, and personal assets. However, the second house (and any house, for that matter) means a whole lot more than these simple keywords. I always keep in mind that the second house is essentially indicative of an individual's self-worth. We can see this concept more clearly when, for example, Saturn transits our second house and we come face to face with issues that force us to ask ourselves what exactly we feel we deserve. As a side note, and as a student of astrology since I was a child, I feel that I learn the most about the essential meaning of a particular house after Saturn has transited that house in my own chart. Perhaps it is a personal bias because Saturn is strong in my natal chart (in the first house and conjunct the Ascendant) and I may therefore be especially "tuned in" to the particular messages of Saturn. Whatever the case may be, I feel that Saturn has a way of showing us the practical side of any house at the beginning of its transit of that house, and as it moves through the house, this planet has a way of stripping it down to its essential meaning in a more esoteric or psychological sense.

When we consider that the second house rules our own sense of self-worth, we may be more equipped to understand, and to work with, the energies associated with our second house. Therefore, if a man has a difficult Neptune square to the ruler of his second house, instead of looking at it as "written in the stars" that he will be either financially impractical or get duped out of money by others (and feel defeated as a result), he can consider exactly what is behind that particular configuration. Perhaps, somewhere deep inside of him, he doesn't feel like he deserves the money he comes into. Perhaps he doesn't want to place too much value or emphasis on money itself, preferring to adopt a more spiritual attitude towards money. In the process, he may not pay the necessary attention to financial details and/or financial planning that will ensure his money is well taken care of. Once we can get to the root of the issue, we have the opportunity to work with what we have and what we are. If this work improves our financial standing, or at least our attitude towards our lives in this sense, then all the better. There is no reason to declare defeat.
Astrology horoscope prediction - marriage - Career - divorce, love


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