Aries/ Mesh

Aries Horoscope
Details on aries sign

Element- Fire

Gender- Male

Ruler- Mars

Sector- North

Vedic Astrology- April 15th-May 14th

Tropical- March 22nd-April 21st

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, which starts from April 15th to May 14th. You must be thinking I have written this information wrong, because Aries is from March 22nd to April 21st, right? Well, if you want to know why, scientifically the true dates are April 15th to May 14th, so please read “Welcome”- page carefullyto know the difference between Vedic Astrology & Western Astrology.

Aries is ruled by the red, angry, fearless planet Mars. This zodiac sign has the positive energy of Mars, where Scorpio has a more darker side of Mars. Aries personality is all about taking charge and leading the team to the finish line. They have tremendous energy to take on big tasks and finish them on time. This is why, most of the time Aries comes out emotionless because they do not waste time on thinking and talking, which is a second nature of an emotional person. Aries people like to be very logical and straight forward in their thinking. However, one big negative point about Aries people are, is that they do not like to be corrected or be told what to do. Even if they are wrong, they would not admit it, rather they will do whatever they can do justify it. This is why Aries are best when they are there own bosses, or higher up in the corporate ladder, like a V.P., CEO, District Manager, Attorney, Police Chief. They are someone who likes to be in control, and why not, they actually do things right when it comes to business and making money, but, since they are so consumed with their professional life, there home life sometimes suffers.

Moon in Aries

Nothing quite happens soon enough with this position of the Moon. There is an inherent impatience with getting what they want. Life is a series of emergencies for Lunar Ariens. They live in the moment and have a hard time waiting for things to happen. Whims of the moment take absolute precedence in their lives.

This is a fiery position of the moon. Even if the Sun or rising sign is more low-key, Moon in Aries people possess inner passion and fire. Emotional issues take precedence--there is simply no pussy-footing around when it comes to dealing with the feelings. And, dealing with new sentiments and needs stirs up a huge desire for activity. Moon in Aries has a need for acting out their needs, with no time to waste. It is hard for them to see the long-term, or to wait for things to happen. Instant gratification rules!

Oddly enough, this is a very defensive position of the Moon. These natives take things very personally, and they deal with problems by facing them right away so that they can then get on with other things. Their flare-ups generally end almost as quickly as they started.

Lunar Ariens have an unmistakable independent streak. They put themselves right out there in the world, and make an impression in whatever they do. Their self-confidence is actually variable. Although a strong personality is projected, Moon in Aries people go through plenty of ups and downs. Their moodiness is not like Cancer or Pisces moodiness--they don't withdraw into themselves or escape the world when they're down. Instead, they are temperamental.

Some might say that people with Moon in Aries actually enjoy trouble and confrontations. Indeed, this position is easily bored with environments that are too peaceful. Their homes--especially their childhood homes--are often battlegrounds. They rule the roost, or at least want to, and are not the most peaceful of folk to live with!

Moon in Aries men and women are prone to have plenty of crushes and other short-lived yet intense desires. "Needs" and "wants" are indistinguishable to Lunar Ariens at any given time. In their minds, what they want is so powerful that it becomes an absolute need. In young adulthood, they can be dangerous with a credit card. Whoever offered the advice to freeze your credit card in a container of water, and then let the block of ice thaw before using the card, unwittingly had people with Moon in Aries in mind. The whole idea was to see if the shopping whim of the moment would pass by the time the card was ready to use. Still, with this scenario, I wouldn't be surprised to see Moon in Aries hacking away at the ice. That is, if Aries actually takes the advice in the first place!

Others will appreciate that people with Moon in Aries rarely sulk or play any drawn-out games of manipulation. You can pretty much know what they want at any given time. They are generally ruled by their own emotional needs, and they're not always as concerned about others' needs during these "emergencies". Somehow, they have people around them scrambling to help them solve their problems. There's an aura of childlike innocence around Lunar Ariens, even when they're getting their way again, that can be charming indeed!

The question is, how will Aries 2012,13 so on Horoscope will be, well, I do not know. Why I don't know? because I do not know 'You', personally. I do not have your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth, and me giving a general prediction for Aries doesn't mean anything because more than half of those prediction will not come true, or those predictions will be too general to pinpoint its accuracy. You should read my blog here on Daily, Weekly and Yearly Horoscope. Another important aspect to look at in astrology & horoscope is that your 'Moon Sign' is far more important and more accurate than your Sun Sign, because Moon represents your mind and the way you feel, while Sun represents your soul, soul which can not be touched..

To get a "Detailed Horoscope" fix an Appointment with Author & Astrologer "Jyotish Provakar" Mr. Sankar Bhattacharjee.

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1 comment:

  1. This is Directly off of Kapiel Raaj's website KRS . It's really unfair to steal someone's work to gain in business from it.
